Illinois State - Birth Certificate VR100 (1978) Template (Italian)
Italian Dual Citizenship
*** IMPORTANT - Before purchasing, please confirm that this template matches your original document format ***
This is a PDF template for an Italian translation of a State of Illinois issued Birth Certificate VR100 (1978).
Included with this purchase are the following three files:
- Italian translation PDF printable form
- Italian translation PDF fillable form
- English text PDF for reference
DISCLAIMER - Every consulate has different requirements and strictness of their translations. Please check these requirements before purchasing. Languages are complex and words and phrases can be translated differently by different interpreters. It is highly advised to have the documents proofed by a translator who has worked with your regional consulate before.
Included files:
1. Italian translation PDF printable form
2. Italian translation PDF fillable form
3. English text PDF for reference
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